Monday, December 16, 2013

Changes to my blogging and a new blog, Brian's Style Guide

Lately I have not been blogging here with the frequency I use to or that I would like to.  Partly due to weather there have not been as many events to cover and attend since the farmer's market and vintage markets are on hiatus for the season.  Another reason for my lack of posts lately is that I have been extremely busy juggling life, work, and a new blog.  The new blog is Brian's Style Guide here on blogger.  My SoMa blog taught me what a great opportunity and hobby blogging can be but I think there can be more to it.  I want to move my photography forward and develop for myself a career that will combine pretty much all of my passions.  And this new blog I feel is that opportunity I have been looking for in my life.

That said I am not going to leave my SoMa blog at least not for the moment but rather try to roll it into the other.  I want to go a different direction but stay on course if you will.  For those of you who have been so incredibly supportive I thank you dearly and hope that you can enjoy my new blog as well.  I welcome your comments and hope that you will subscribe to the new blog as well.  Also check the blog's Facebook page as well. 

So I am not leaving, just changing things up a bit.  I look forward to spring and new events here in SoMa that can be covered.