Monday, July 1, 2013

It's My Life and I Love It! A Visitor from Moldova!

When I set out to start this blog I wanted to document what it was to live in SoMa and I have enjoyed living here more than I can really express in words and pictures, but one thing I realized is that I talk about events and show you photos but I never really share what my life is like living here outside of those events.  One thing that is for sure different is there are things close to home that I enjoy so if I want to meet friends for coffee, grab a bite to eat, or just go for a walk I have options.  That is something that enriches your life...having options of fun things to do without the stress of driving to another part of town. 

Friday June 28th was a great day to do just that.  My friend Pasha Aleabov was in town all the way from Moldova.  I met Pasha the summer of 2010 when he was here selling books door to door for Southwestern Co.  Each year when he comes back for the summer we always try to get together and catch up.  Now I must admit that Pasha is a great guy and someone to cherish as a friend, but it's also pretty damn cool to have a friend from a country that most people couldn't tell you where it was.  So let's take a moment and see where it is shall we!

Pasha and I decided to meet at The Green Corner store for some ice cream and to visit.  While I was waiting on him I grabbed a bite at Boulevard Bread and then headed to meet up with Pasha and his friend Rebecca.  It was good to see Joe that I knew from the neighborhood and got to chat with him a bit about my new camera, with each of us taking a photo of the other one.  Ok it's a nicely done photo of me that Joe took but what is up with my face?  I should have tried to be more serious but who knows what makes me always try to goof off in a photo.

The visit with Pasha was not long enough and they never are but it was great to meet his friend Rebecca and hopefully I will get to see them again later in the summer.  We enjoyed our ice cream and I even contemplated eating the entire cookie display but decided against it.  Afterwards we walked to my building and I gave them the grand tour of my loft. 

A great day in SoMa! 
All photography rights shared by Brian Kelley/Imagine Photography

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