Monday, June 24, 2013

Vintage Market at The Bernice Garden

Saturday June 15, 2013 was what I hope will be the first of many vintage markets at The Bernice Garden.  There was a little bit of, furniture, decorative objects, and collectibles.  I found it hard to not end up with a ton of stuff.  There is something about flea markets, vintage items, and resale shops that excite me.  Unlike going to a traditional store where there is an inventory of items that will likely be there the next time, and even if they aren't you can probably find them online, in vintage settings you are dealing with items that are harder to come by. 

I made a complete pass through all the booths first, taking in what was available and getting a feel for what was there.  It is a habit of mine to do that before I start picking things out.  Now I am not in the market for most things.  Vintage clothing, closet already full. Furniture, my loft is already pretty full.  Decorative objects, I don't really have a need for them.  But glassware and items used for entertaining, bingo!

Inretrospec is a great vintage store at 12th and Center in SoMa.  Several of my favorite finds have come from them.  I have found a folding bookshelf that I use as a bar, a great vintage French theater poster from 1925, and at the vintage market I found a set of 4 Tiara Horn Of Plenty Mugs from Indiana Glass Company.  I cannot wait to use them for coke floats or ice cold beer!

Another booth had a ton of items used in printing and also in making the wooden boxes like those that glass soda bottles use to come in.  I also notice an old vintage bike.  Of course the most interesting booth wasn't really a booth but a traveling trailer pulled by a great vintage Toyota Land Cruiser. 


I don't know when the next one is but I suggest you check it out!

All photography rights shared by Brian Kelley/Imagine Photography

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