Monday, July 1, 2013

The Bernice Garden Farmer's Market--Tomato Festival

Shame shame on me but this happened Sunday a week ago, so I am very much behind on putting this up.  I could claim the hot weather alone as good enough reason and everyone would give me a pass.  Right?

I am having a rare moment of being at a loss for words or maybe it is writer's block.  So this may just be a short post with a good amount of photos, we shall see.  I volunteered to work the festival booth for the 10am-11am shift since that was when I am always at the market anyway.  You gotta get there early if you want pastry from Mylo's!  The booth had activities for the kids like games and crafts but for me it just was a great opportunity to see folks as they arrived at the market.  I even got to see a girl I went to school with back in Pine Bluff. 


 I think we all enjoyed seeing the man from Willow Springs dressed in his tomato costume!  And as always there were many delicious things to chose from at Barnhill Orchard's booth.

It was a treat to see this little guy having such a good hair day even with the humidity :)

And Laughing Stock Farm had beautiful produce that was photo-ready as always!

After the market I went down to The Green Corner Store to have some Loblolly Creamery ice cream, but I ate it before it could be photographed but honesty it was just so good and on a hot day it melts quickly you know?


All photography rights shared by Brian Kelley/Imagine Photography


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