Saturday, May 11, 2013

Getting Settled in More and More and Writer's Block

I just wanted to update on what all that's been going on.  It seems like I have had a bit of writer's block.  The last week or so has been a blur due to many events that I have cooked for lately and just life in general.  I realized I had not put up a new post in a bit but that is ok and things are wonderful here in SoMa.  Even with our odd weather I have been able to enjoy my bike quite a bit, learning that a bike is a wonderful way to explore SoMa and downtown Little Rock.  May is bike month afterall! 

I continue to meet new and wonderful people, amazed at how each of them are different yet similar in that they are creatives for the most part and work to make this a better area than when they found it!

Very soon I will begin a series of posts on merchants and influential people here in SoMa.  When I say influential I don't mean that they are influential in that they are big shots with power, rather that they are people that have a profoundly positive impact on this area in their own way.  I'm very excited as to who is going to be first and that is all I am going to's a surprise!

As I sit here typing my writer's block goes away completely and I think of all the many things I want to tell you about, but at the same time I want to show you and so I shall hold off until I can get photos as well.  A long time friend, and former boss, shared with me tonight how much she enjoy the blog, the writing, and the photos!  Stacey thank you so much for sharing that with me!  It's so nice to hear that people are reading and enjoying the blog.  Do you remember that part in Julie&Julia where Julie talks about just writing her blog not knowing if there is anyone even reading it?  That is where I have been, just writing for my own enjoyment and wondering if there are people enjoying it as well. 

So tomorrow is Mothers' Day!  Also we are having a potluck at the 15th Street Garden so I will have photos to share of that.  More info to come!

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